Kite Safari Trip Advisor

Kite Safari Trip Advisor

Kite Safari on Trip Advisor — which kite safari operator to choose Tripadvisor, the popular online review platform, ranks everything — restaurants, bars, hotels, attractions, services, and of course, kite safari operators. Here, I will rank the best kite safari operators on Tripadvisor, but I want to make one thing very clear: having the best ranking...

Kite Safari Crypto

Kite Safari Crypto

Pay Your Kite Safari in Cryptocurrency It is possible to pay for our Kite Safari in cryptocurrency. A few countries worldwide have problems with transferring money abroad via regular bank transfers, and cryptocurrency is a practical and safe solution to transfer money to a kite safari operator. However, there are a few things to keep in...Continue reading

Kiteboard on the Shore

Kite Safari — Meaning

Kite Safari — Meaning A kite safari is a kitesurfing trip where a group of kiters travels from one kite spot to another using various means of transportation, such as their kite, a car or buggy, or most commonly, a boat. The most popular format — and the one we offer — is a week-long kite...

Kite Safari Map

Kite Safari — Reddit

Kite Safari — What I’ve found on Reddit Reddit ( is a great website to find information about kitesurfing in Egypt and kite safari, directly from users. Users poses questions, and other users comment and reply. It’s that simple. Reddit is divided in topics, and there is a general one about kiteboarding that is super interesting...Continue reading

Sunset Kiting

Where to Kite in July

Where to Kite in July There are many places to kite during July, Europe is the logical choice for a cheap and hot kitesurfing trip, but other continents can be interesting too… let’s see which are my favorite destinations for kitesurfing in July: Hope to see you in the water this Summer!

Kitesurf Ashrafi

Ashrafi Kite Spot

Ashrafi Kite Spot Ashrafi Island is one of the most interesting kite spot during our kite safari and the northernmost kite spot we will visit during our kite safari week. It’s divided in two distinct kite spot — Closer to the boat there is a small beautiful, perfect for intermediate kiters, but less suitable for beginners...Continue reading

Kite Cruise Tawila Spot

Tawila Kite Spot

Tawila Kite Spot Tawila island is considered by many to be the best kite spot in the Red Sea. A beautiful beach, turquoise waters, two lagoons and the open sea — plenty of space for riders of any level. The movement of the tides creates sandbanks that appear and disappear throughout the spot, making Tawila always...Continue reading

Red Sea Kite Cruise

All inclusive Kite trip

All inclusive Kite Safari — What is Really Included Our Kite Safari are considered all inclusive — this means that, if you are an independent kiter with your own gear, all you have to pay is 1000€ for a kite safari cruise in Egypt with us. Let’s have though a better look on what an All...

Kite Safari Bliss

Kite Cruise from Marsalam

Kite Cruise from Marsalam There are 3 major airport in Egypt dedicated to tourism (4, if we consider Cairo, but only 3 that sits by the Red Sea), and we can run kitesurfing cruises if you land in any of these 3 airport. All our kite safaris are great if you land in Hurghada International Airport,...

Kite Trick Proceeding

Kaitsurfing — un errore tutto Italiano

Kaitsurfing — un errore tutto Italiano Un veloce articolo per un veloce chiarimento: si scrive kitesurf e non kaitsurf. Mi imbatto sempre più spesso in kiters che fanno questo errore basico quando mi contattano, e questi kiters sono tutti italiani. Il perchè di questo errore è semplice: kitesurf e kaitsurf si pronunciano esattamente allo stesso modo!...

Lilly Kitesurf

Where to Kitesurf during Covid

Where to Kitesurf during Covid This is probably a common question between kiters — Where can I go kite during Covid times? And following this question, which country has a low % of cases and good conditions to kite? And, even if such country exists, how easy is to travel there? The country I live in...

Roberto & Wallie

Missing Home

Missing Home I’ve been travelling for the last month and a half, recharging the batteries for our September Kite cruise trip in Egypt, and I must confess I started suddenly to miss home. The sun, the constant wind, the egyptian silence, my dog and a few friends — it was fun to go out and exploring...Continue reading

Sick Dog Team Roberto

Diary of a Kite Safari

Diary of a Kite Safari After the summer, I still felt like kiting, and with 9 days left (5 days of vacation and two weekends), I had decided to take a trip dedicated to this passion of mine, kitesurfing. I have known Roberto for some time, whom I met in Cape Verde years ago, where he...

Flight Time

First Flight Post-Covid

First Flight Post-Covid I’m just writing from the airport, flying back from Hurghada to Milan for a short July break and to see my family. I was honestly not so sure what the expect at the airport, but all seems normal and this is actually good news for our September Kite Safari in Egypt — travelling...Continue reading