Kite Safari – What I’ve found on Reddit
Reddit ( is a great website to find information about kitesurfing in Egypt and kite safari, directly from users. Users poses questions, and other users comment and reply. It’s that simple. Reddit is divided in topics, and there is a general one about kiteboarding that is super interesting – inside this topic, I’ve found several questions about Kite Safari. Here are the questions that I’ve found, with my personal opinion.
Absolutely not. We even give free lessons for full beginners on our cruises, exactly because we believe that a kite safari offer great conditions to learn. True, the wind is offshore, making it a bit tricky. But water is flat and shallow, and wind are stable and constant. And students love these conditions.
Here an user mentions Sick Dog (meaning us, thank you!) and DragonFly (less thank you, but still they do a good job too!).
In my experience these are the elements that are important to have (and to offer) the best kite safari experience (or at least, if not the best, a great kite safari experience):
1. A kite safari needs to be well organized, and for that we need an experienced kite safari team.
2. The price need to be right. Not crazy expensive – our kite safaris are cheaper than the rest, cause can we own a share of our yacht, and we use it exclusively all year round.
3. The group of kiters need to the right. The ideal is to have a group of mixed nationalities (and that is what happens in most of our trips). It’s fundamental to ask, when booking a kite safari with any kite safari operator) where are the other kiters from. I would avoid spending a kite safari week in a boat full of Russians for example that hardly speak English. When the group is mixed, everyone is a bit out of their comfort zone, and everyone mixes up with everyone else in a very natural way.