Zoon Camp Kite Lesson

Training for the kite safari season

Training for the kite safari season

This year with the forced lockdown, I changed my training schedule. I was forced not go to the gym, so I simply started at home a HIIT training to be ready and in shape for the kite safari season. With the first kite cruise expected to be in September, I had plenty of time…

I decided I would train 30 mins per day, very intensive, with 1 or 2 days rest, according to what my body would tell me. Youtube is full of excellent trainers, and I started following a few of them in different days, to keep my schedule interesting and fun…I also started taking way more care of what I was eating and drinking (this part is also super important).

This was the program (more or less)

Day 1 – Pyramidal progression with Jordan

Day 2 – Upper body with Sydney Cummings

Day 3 – Core: 5 mins plank and 11 abs line

Day 4 – HIIT with Jordan

Day 5 – Flexibility with Cambodia

Day 6 – HIIT training alone full body

Day 7 – Core: 5 mins plank and 11 abs line (same as Day 3)

As you can see, I focused a lot on Core training, as I felt that was my weak part. All this training are very quick, never more then 30mins, but I guarantee that the pace and the intensity are really challenging.

After 4 months, i’m def in one of the better shape i’ve ever been, and i’m not stopping. I will start travelling soon in August, but I will keep my training routine (as much as I can, considering that I will be flying and moving a lot).

Let me know what you think of this training, I promise that if you will be consistent (and i’m talking 3 months minimum) there is no way you won’t be seeing results.




View posts by Roberto
I love kitesurfing, travelling, and making short walks with my dog. I organize kite cruises in Egypt since 2014, you may find me in some windy beach pretty much all year round when I’m not on the boat, may it be Egypt, Cape Verde, Mauritius or Greece. I drink red wine and play (badly) the guitar. You can contact me at +201009410388 (whatsapp or calls) or just email me at info@sickdogsurf.com Hope to see you on board one of these days!