Where to Kitesurf in May

Where to Kitesurf in May

Which are the best kitesurfing spots in May? Summer is starting, and Europe is the place to be for kitesurfing in Summer – there is no reason for huge and long flights to remote places anymore, the water is warm, the sun is shinining, and in many cases a good kite session is just a few hundreds kilometers away…

So here we go with the top spots to kitesurf in May. I think number 1 is quite obvious, maybe not the top that would be on my list, but I know that is def in the top for many people, so I will just make an exception and consider it number 1 for me too.

1. Tarifa

The logical choice for european kitesurfers, strong winds, warm weather (less warm waters) and great vibes out of the water. Tarifa is in Europe (south of Spain), so it is a flight away for a lot of people. The town itself is cute and vibrant at night, so it has it all. A great summer choice.

2. Egypt

Kite Safari – that is the time of the year when I really get going with my kitesurfing cruises in Egypt. This year was no exception, and we had an awesome late May kite cruises, blessed with 6 windy days and luckly a no wind day to fully recharge our batteries and have a great party at night. Warm waters with no wetsuits 😉 , stable winds, and great fun on and off the water, since the boat is cozy and fun when the sun sets.

3. Mauritius

And again, as usual, this year I didn’t manage to go to Mauritius. I promise to myself to come back to Le Morne as soon as possible, but as the summer gets closer, the busier I get… Le Morne offers a great lagoons for twin tips, and two beautiful waves, Manawa and One Eye, right out at sea, all surrounded by the beautiful nature that only Mauritius can offer. At night a bit boring, as I remember that there was only a (cool) bar in town, with a billard where I practiced my (poor) skills with locals, expats, and tourist alike for the full month i’ve been there in 2018. It seems very far away…

And where are you kiting this May? Drop me an email at info@sickdogsurf.com to let me know, and hope to see you in the water!